Exceptional skills for exceptional challenges
The Industry division at Stahlkontor covers the manufacture of components for a wide range of demanding industrial applications. Our range of materials is as diverse as the different industries we work with. The range extends from ordinary structural steels through high-strength and high-alloy steels to special materials and nonferrous metals. Typical fields of application for the parts produced to customer order are in the areas of mechanical and plant engineering, vehicle construction, and industrial and facade construction.
Our industrial customers value our welding capabilities. We manufacture complex welded assemblies and mechanical assembly units, which we deliver directly to our customers’ production lines.

Head of Industry
Ralf Breer
Head of Industry
Further information

An example of a project: For the outer shell of the new five-star InterContinental Davos hotel, Stahlkontor manufactured more than 20,000 different sheets that wrap undulatingly around the structure when assembled. Designed as hollow boxes, the facade elements, which can be up to eleven meters long, are curved in two directions and each exhibit an individual geometry.
This is just one example of Stahlkontor’s ability to cooperatively arrive at an individual solution, even for complex parts and manufacturing tasks. We look forward to discussing your unusual ideas!