Partnership to the finished product
Stahlkontor offers itself to its customers as an extended workbench within the framework of extended component and assembly group production. From our demanding clientele, we are familiar with the highest quality requirements in a product environment characterized by high quality standards and special requirements.

We also transfer this know-how to the production of complex, ready-to-install assemblies, which we assemble both on the basis of our own designs and according to customer specifications using third-party components. In addition to the mechanical assembly of subassemblies, we can also draw on our experience in bonding. Our adhesive engineer will be pleased to develop efficient and target-oriented adhesive bonding processes together with our customers.
Of course, we are also available to you with our broad experience in the production-technical and functional optimization of your components and, together with you, take the path to a better, safer and more economical product.

Advantages of outsourcing assembly to Stahlkontor:
- Binding cost basis
- Flexibility through the use of the Stahlkontor network
- Optimization potential for quality and functionality
- Minimization of the inventory
- Just-in-time or just-in-sequence delivery of ready-to-install modules
- Savings in procurement, scheduling, logistics, quality assurance
- Savings on employee training and qualification